Rugs By Material

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Adeya Brown Multi Striped Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Rug


    Adeya Brown Multi Striped Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Rug


    This beautiful indoor/outdoor plastic bottle rug is crafted to add a personal touch and gratifying look to any area of your home. This recycled plastic bottle rug is easy to clean, machine washable, non-slip and eco friendly.


      Aydin Navy Blue Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug


        Aydin Navy Blue Indoor/Outdoor Area Rug


        This beautiful piece of art does more than transforming your space. Its lush and soft texture provides a pleasant cushion for your feet.


          Emilia Grey Brown Striped Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Area Rug


            Emilia Grey Brown Striped Indoor/Outdoor Plastic Area Rug


            Your rug for each room! Our aesthetically beautiful rug is expertly hand woven by skilled artisans. It provides comfort and unmatched durability.


              Selima Grey Modern Indoor/Outdoor Washable Rug


                Selima Grey Modern Indoor/Outdoor Washable Rug


                Made from PET sourced from recycled soda bottles, this rug will add a cozy, touchable texture to any space.

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